Featured: Badass Suppliers – AMW Events

With COVID restrictions lifting here in the UK and weddings happening again (hooray!) it seems like a perfect time to share my recent chat with Amelia at AMW Events.

I met Amelia (and her giant neon lightning bolt) when we both exhibited at the Chosen Wedding Fair in Oxford last spring, before we went into lockdown. When she approached me recently for a feature in her new Baddass Suppliers blog series I said yes immediately – it’s no secret that I love to talk about letterpress stationery!

We chatted about wedding stationery must-haves, top tips for choosing your stationery, and my own letterpress journey. If you’d like to have a read just follow the link to Amelia’s blog below.

Amelia is an AMAZING planner and stylist (and all-round lovely human) specialising in epic non-traditional weddings. Definitely check out her website if you’re looking for a truly unique wedding celebration, and be sure to follow her on Instagram for some fabulous inspiration!


Brand stationery for sustainable knitwear designer Jamie Baldrick


On the day stationery has arrived!